Based on the manga by Yukito Kishiro, new action adventure film Alita: Battle Angel is set more than 500 years in the future, following a war referred to as The Fall that wiped out much of human civilisation. Watch the trailer below.
In Iron City, a place teeming with bounty hunters and scavengers that acts as a supply centre to the more affluent sky city of Zalem, cyborg scientist Dr Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz) discovers a disembodied cyborg head and builds a body for her, naming her Alita (Rosa Salazar).
Much of this two-hour action epic is spent unravelling both Alita’s centuries-old past and the present-day corruption in Iron City as Ido’s creation asserts her independence and masters the skills necessary to compete in the brutal sport of Motorball.
As you’d expect from a movie produced by James Cameron and Jon Landau, the duo behind Avatar, this mix of live action and computer generated footage is a visual feast anchored by a classic hero’s journey tale. (Out now) 3.5 stars