
Audrina Patridge introduces newborn Kirra to fans with new pics

The Hills star is a doting mother
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 For reality star and actress Audrina Patridge, age-old motherhood came with a modern-day dilemma —deciding when to share photos of your newborn baby to family, friends, and more than 1.3 million followers on Instagram.


On Aug, 24, the Hills star posted a portrait of her holding 2-month-old baby Kirra Max next to her fiancé, Brisbane-born professional BMX rider Corey Bohan, 34.

“I think it’s been long enough,” wrote Patridge, 31. “My entire phone is filled with videos and pix of her.”

Patridge also directed fans to her blog, where she posted more family photos and detailed her and Bohan’s “extremely lucky” first months with their daughter.


“Kirra is the happiest, most beautiful baby with a constant smile and lots of goo-ing and gaa-ing,” Patridge wrote. “She loves giving Corey and I the biggest smiles, but I can’t wait until she giggles for the first time — right now she gives lots of expressions but no noise. She sleeps 6-7 hours a night (only waking up once or twice) and is pretty laid back (unless of course she’s hungry, has to burp, needs a diaper change, or gets restless!).”

Patridge gave birth on June 24 and spent time recovering from the C-section delivery. “Getting back into the swing of things was pretty gruelling,” she said, “but at the end of the day, all I had to do was take one look at Kirra and none of that mattered any more.”

She and Bohan also received a lot of help from Bohan’s parents. “My new in-laws came out from Australia to stay with us for a bit,” she said, “so we’ve had a few extra hands around the house.”


Fans can expect more information more often from Patridge and Bohan going forwards, she promised. “I guess this new parenting thing has made us a little overprotective of our baby,” she wrote, “but now that we have had time to soak it all in and adjust to our newest edition, I can’t wait to begin this journey as a new mother and share everything I learn along the way!”

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