Bachelorette hopeful Jess Glasgow basically put everyone off side since the second he walked into the mansion – viewers, the other boys, Angie Kent…
And when fellow fighter-for-love Carlin Sterritt said, “I’ve legitimately been creeped out by the guy…”
We all really felt that.
Like, really felt it.
WATCH: Osher Gunsberg dropped an absolute bombshell on The Bachelorette…
First, he just seemed super eager, giving Bachelorette Angie Kent the keys to the City of Noosa (which he’s in a bit of trouble for) and to his apartment on the red carpet. Presumptuous yeah, cringey, uh-huh… but everyone’s just trying to stand out on night one, right?
Then he told the other boys that, if he were given the 24-hour rose, he’d give it back – he didn’t want to spend that much time with the blonde bombshell… and lied to her when she asked him outright about it.
Not good, not good at all.
But that was nothing compared to what went on in episode two – which got him booted from the show. (Cue wild applause.)

For basically the entirety of episode two, the Noosa politician made lewd comments both at Angie and about Angie – not to mention inappropriate behaviour around the staff and (we can’t even believe this) calling Angie a b*tch when he thought the cameras weren’t rolling.
Like… seriously, bro? Seriously?
During their group date doing a farmyard photo shoot, Jess was (quite appropriately) dressed as the backend of a horse.
“I heard the photographer say, ‘Angie, get on the horse.’ My eyes lit up and I thought, damn, I’m gonna be the first person she’s gonna get to ride,” Jess said in a piece to camera that made us feel particularly icky.
“Don’t mind me if I get some wandering fingers, alright?” he told Angie with a sly smile.
Aaand Angie said what we were all thinking:
“Jesus! What is wrong with you?”

It didn’t stop there, though, and the way he was behaving was getting the rest of the guys very riled up.
“Hey, hey, hey! That’s my wife!” shouted a visibly distressed Jamie (who wasn’t just being a weirdo, he was dressed in a farmer’s costume playing that role so, fair call).
Carlin wasn’t too impressed either.
“For someone to say or do the things that Jess is doing – you’re just a bit of a sleaze, to be honest.”
“I don’t think Angie noticed just how inappropriate Jess was actually being. It’s just not OK.”
Fast-forward to the cocktail party, boy, did things kick off.
Carlin (aka Prince Charming aka our hero) decided to do something about it, filling Angie in on everything that had been said and done behind her back.
Pulling Jess aside, Angie put a very quick stop to it.
“You made me feel very uncomfortable at the photo shoot. I said I wanted fun, but I feel like you took it too far,” she began.
“No, but you jumped on MY back. I was the poor little horsey,” Jess interrupted.
(Yeah, we know. We’re fuming as much as you are.)
But Angie gave it to him.
“You’re not treating other women nicely. And I’m telling you, it infuriates me that I’m still standing here chatting to you. You never talk about me as a person. You always just talk about me as, like, a piece of meat.
“After everything I’ve heard, I don’t… I really don’t believe a word that you say. I don’t trust you and I’m sorry. You’re gonna have to leave.”
Two words: Go. Girl.

Incredibly, that wasn’t even the first shock of the night!
After deciding being dressed as a chicken for the farmyard photoshoot was too much for him to handle, Warwick Adams stormed off the show, explaining that he loves to have a laugh… but he can’t take the piss out of himself.
And earlier in the night, as Carlin and Angie took off on their first single date, the 30-year-old hunk admitted he had something to get off his chest.
“I’ve been a little bit nervous coming into this experience because I’m super vulnerable with my story,” he told a nervous-looking Ange.
“I am the type of guy who wants to be open and transparent, because, you know, there’s no other way to do it…
“I am… married.”