Dr Andrew Rochford has slammed a group of school students who have been bullying his 10-year-old son.
The former Block contestant and The Project presenter took to Instagram to share a photo of Archie, explaining what the bullies have said to him.
“I wouldn’t normally share something like this, but I HAVE to..I can’t hold this in anymore,” the 37-year-old starts.
“He is the most beautiful boy you could ever meet. He cares about everyone,… genuinely…. with every bit of his heart. I have tried to teach him the importance of treating others the way you want to be treated, it’s a simple idea, and I could never have expected him to care so much about those words,” The Biggest Loser guest doctor continues.
“If you fall, he will pick you up..if you’re sad, he will try to make you smile..if you cry, he will hold your hand. And as I write this, I cry.
“You can see my beautiful boy has red hair…. beautiful red hair….He didn’t choose his hair…. he can’t change his hair….and he should not have too.
The first time he told me he was being bullied because of his hair I encouraged him to ‘be strong buddy, you’re amazing’ ,and they are just going for the ‘easy target’….But when he comes to me and says he’s being called a ‘f*cking ranga’ TARGETED for something he cannot change, I am broken…completely broken.
“He is brave and strong and a far better person than most, and he tells me ‘ don’t worry Dad, I’m fine’ . But I’m not ..not at all….I’m sick of the hypocrisy & intolerance.”
Rochford continues his post by saying that anyone who thinks it is funny to discrimnate someone for something they cannot change is no better than a racist or homophobe.
“You throw it out there in an attempt to seem witty or clever, you are NOT. You are as shallow and ignorant and PATHETIC as all the other narrow-minded bigots that inhabit our beautiful planet.
“So take a f*cking long hard look at yourself..because if you perpetuate victimisation in your house, or your workplace or on a stage or the radio or television….YOU are the problem…YOU! The boys that are picking on my son, weren’t born to be so mean, they have learnt from you.
“And to all the gangly kids, the kids with big ears, the ones born in different countries, or with different coloured skin, a different way of speaking, or different ANYTHING that you can’t change..I am here for you..100 percent.
The doctor ends by stating that he will fight for those being bullied, including his son, before asking for everyone to stop bullying.