With over 4.5 million subscribers to her YouTube channel, cosmetic and surgical dermatologist Dr Sandra Lee caters to an audience obsessed with seeing gunk extracted from human bodies. And to make it clear exactly what you’re getting in for when you click play, she goes by the name of Dr Pimple Popper. Yep, subtle.
If online videos (like the one below) aren’t enough, there’s now a TV show dedicated to popping and unlocking pimples, cysts and other dermatological problems. And it can be hard to look away once the puss starts flowing – or, in some cases, exploding like it has been shot out of a cannon.
Too much? Well, the squeamish might want to avoid this series, which breaks up the usual medical procedures with patient backstories that add a touch of variety to what you can see on YouTube. Hearing how patient’s problems have impacted them adds a new dimension to what can otherwise be a pretty repetitive concept.
For those who don’t care about any of that and just find these types of procedures fascinating in a can’t-look-away type of way, there is a strange type of satisfaction gained from watching pimples being popped. A word of warning: don’t want while or just after eating. (Starts Mon., Jan. 7 at 8.30pm; TLC) 2.5 stars
For more on Dr Pimple Popper, listen to the summer special episode of WHO’s TV podcast, Binge List, below.