
Georgia Love makes a sad confession about mother’s day

The former Bachelorette is not looking forward to this year’s occasion.
Channel Ten

 Georgia Love lost her mother Belinda almost a year ago. And as a result the star says she’s still coming to terms with the loss and working through the grief.


 “It was exactly a year ago today that Mum had the operation to remove her tumour,” the 28-year-old told The Sunday Telegraph’s Stellar magazine of her mum’s six-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

The journalist refers to herself as “mummy’s girl through-and-through”, which is why she’s particularly stressed in the lead up to this Sunday. “The thought of Mother’s Day is just a bit too much to fathom,” Love told The Sunday Telegraph’s Stellar magazine.

Ahead of Mother’s Day weekend, Love uploaded a picture on Instagram this morn which read “F*** Cancer,” and captioned it “Friday feels .💔”


Love has also admitted that experiencing this loss while beginning a relationship with Lee Elliot – who she met on The Bachelorette – was definitely a challenge.

“There’s no point denying that and it would be fake to say otherwise,” Love said of the difficulties the couple’s have faced and overcome together.

“It’s made our relationship really hard. He’s the one who has to cop it when I’m having a bad day. He’s the one who’s there as I break down.”


While the sensitive circumstances put stress on their relationship, Love confesses Elliot was simply “incredible”.

(Credit: Getty)

“Within the first 48 hours he met every single one of my family and friends but in the most horrible and emotional way,” Love added. “He did not once falter. He did not once freak out. He was there every step of the way. Nothing will ever take that away. That’s something that makes me even more in love with him. In so many ways it brought us very close.”

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