
Hamish Blake BANNED by Aussie Defence Force for serious security breach

It's all fun and games until...
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Hamish Blake has been sprinkling Aussie workplaces and boardrooms with some of his comedic magic since COVID-19 made working from home a thing for most people Down Under.


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But the Australian Defence Force is not happy about it.

Hamish has been running a ‘Zoom for one more’ initiative on his Instagram account, whereby his viewers sent through their login details for teleconference app Zoom, so he can jump in on daily office meetings – and the results are HILARIOUS.

However, when the genius, and father-of-two, popped into an Australian Air Force call, it ended up being a huge breach of Australian intelligence.


According to The Australian, the entire Australian Defence Force has been banned from using the app because of, ‘apparent suspicions around security flaws in the conferencing system and fears that sensitive information could be accessed by unknown threat actors who exploit these flaws.’

Hamish himself admitted to Nova’s Fitzy & Wippa, ‘There was a meeting with the Air Force, it’s a flight log meeting, a guy emailed me and said, “hey mate just pop into our flight log meeting, there will be a few Sergeants, few high-ranking people but should be interesting for you!”

‘So I went in there, the lady running it, who I assume is a high-ranking officer as soon as she saw me come up she said: “Ah, no this is a work call!”‘


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