
‘I did cheat on her’: Josh does HILARIOUS impression of MAFS’ Michael

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Josh Pihlak was Married At First Sight‘s MVP on Wednesday night’s episode.


The lovable larrikin slaaaaaayed a Michael Goonan impersonation that’s left us wanting more!

MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Josh does hilarious impression of Michael Goonan

It’s no secret that Josh dislikes Michael, and in preparation for the evening’s dinner party, he and his wife Cathy Evans did a bit of role playing.

The fan favourites said they wanted to confront Michael about his affair with Hayley Vernon, and explain to his wife Stacey Hampton that ‘once a cheater, always a cheater.’


‘OK, we’re at the dinner party,’ Cathy said, setting the scene. ‘Michael’s in front of us. What is he saying?’

Josh and Cathy enjoy role play at Michael’s expense (Credit: Nine)

‘Look, I just love the girl,’ Josh began, with a slight Scottish accent, and Michael’s signature head tilt.

Then came the ‘millionaire’ ice manufacturer’s trademark flurry of rhetorical questions. ‘Look, I did cheat on her. Did I stuff up? Will I regret it forever? Yeah.’


Cathy and viewers were in hysterics. 

Back to being Josh, he said ‘What a load of s-it,’ referring to Michael’s poor memory. The father-of-one insists he doesn’t remember hooking up with Hayley numerous times.

Cathy can’t contain her laughter (Credit: Nine)

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