
Iggy Azalea reveals weight loss secret

The singer claims she lost six kilos in just one week.
Blonde woman in a sheer black dress standing against a red curtain backdrop.Getty Images

It seems twerking helped Iggy Azalea drop some weight.

The Aussie rapper claims she dropped six kilos in just one week, thanks to twerking on the shoot for her music video,  “Mo Bounce.”

“I went on a meal plan before the video because I knew I would have to be dancing fairly skimply dressed,” Azalea told Nova 96.9’s Fitzy & Wippa. “I did a lot of rehearsals actually, and man I lost 15 pounds in a week dancing to that song!”

But the 26-year-old admitted she got a little help along the way.

“I did take classes,” she added. “I do have someone who is very, very good at twerking, and she helped me. I never realized how flexible you have to be to do that stuff.”

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