He’s the protective sibling from hell on Married At First Sight, famously savaging her onscreen husband Nic, but now Cyrell’s brother Ivan is on the receiving end on a barrage of harsh words.
The reality TV star is being roasted online over a video he uploaded to social media of he and his friends throwing some rapper poses in a car. Judging by the parade of disparaging comments, it seems that fans of the show haven’t forgiven some of his more aggressive TV moments.
‘What a goon bag,’ wrote one. ’You’re as tough as a wet fart.’

Another described him as a ‘muppet’, and yet another as ’annoying’ – with the poster provocatively claiming, ‘you couldn’t knock the fluff of a cappuccino.’
Calm down, people, it’s just a bit of fun.
If fans are going in to bat for Nic, they probably shouldn’t bother. He’s on the record as praising Ivan, claiming he is just being a good big brother by watching out for Cyrell.
‘There’s nothing wrong with that,’ he says. ‘And it’s good to see. It’s him being a really good older brother. And yeah, I respect that. And I respect their family so much,’ he added.