Last night, Hayley Vernon asked her followers to send in their burning questions, covering everything from her workout routine to what she thinks of her Married At First Sight co-star, Mikey Pembroke.
WATCH: Hayley was roasted for her finale outfit
However, she quickly called time on the Q&A session when an unexpected question rubbed her the wrong way. In an expletive-laden rant, the outspoken bride tore into one of her followers who asked whether she was transgender, calling them an “absolute tool” before exposing personal information about them.
“Are you a f**k wit?” the fired up bodybuilder began. “I don’t know if you’re asking this to be offensive or to get a rise out of me. But even if I was transgender, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s something that people can’t help, it’s something people are born to be,” she continued.

Clearly still fuming, Hayley— who endured an ill-fated marriage to David Cannon— then revealed the identity of the user who asked her the question, sharing a screenshot of their Instagram profile to her story. Moments later, the angry and hurt reality star signed off, clearly fed up with constantly being asked the same question.
This isn’t the first time Hayley has been asked whether she’s transgender, telling Daily Mail Australia earlier this year that she was fed up with this rumour constantly following her.
“I wish I could pull my pants down and lift my top up [to prove it] but I’m standing in an airport,” she said. “You know what, why is a strong woman with muscles and someone that does bodybuilding trans?”

Speaking to Kyle Sandilands and Jackie “O” Henderson about the matter, the recovered drug addict suggested one of her co-stars— who couldn’t be named for legal reasons— had started the false rumour she was born a man before the series hit our screens.
Following this, she said she received an influx of hate on social media, with many nasty viewers calling her a “tranny”— This word is not only an offensive term for transgender people but is considered hate speech on Facebook.
“Hate to be that guy but Hayley screams trans,” one person commented on Instagram.
“MAFS surprise shock. Is Hayley Vernon a transgender bride?” another added.
“Perhaps Hayley’s past relationships have failed because she insists on looking like she could be transgender.”
“Not trying to be smart, but was Hayley born a man and changed to a woman? She looks very masculine,” another concluded.
As we know, Hayley is no stranger to being trolled online. Just last week the 31-year-old was dragged on Twitter for her finale outfit.
After sitting down and waving her arms around while fighting with her estranged ex David, her bits and bobs nearly slipped out on more than one occasion, leaving viewers seriously worried they were about to get more than they bargained for.

At one point, she even gave fans of the series a glimpse of her black underwear, clearing leaving very little to the imagination!
“Can someone introduce Hayley to a pair of pants?” one Twitter user wrote.
Another added: “Hayley understands that wearing undies on national TV is a good thing right?

“She may as well have her ass showing with what she’s wearing.”
“Why is she only wearing a jacket? Those legs and breasts are scary,” another not so nice MAFS fan tweeted, adding a shock faced emoji.
“She’s looking for a centrefold contract… If they are still a thing? Put on some pants girl.”
“Gee, I really don’t want to see your vag, can that dress be short enough?”