In the midst of trying to mend her broken heart, Stacey Hampton says KC Osborne did nothing but rub salt into the wound when she asked if she could date her ex-husband, Michael Goonan.
WATCH: Stacey reveals her thoughts on Michael moving on with KC
Speaking about the soul-crushing moment during a recent Instagram Live, the 26-year-old MAFS star said she received the unexpected phone call from her once close friend on the night she sat down to watch her TV wedding air on the big screen.
“(KC called and said) ‘Hey babe, do you mind if Michael and I caught up for drinks, he’s coming to Sydney?'” Stacey explained. “I was like, ‘You can do whatever you’d want, but it’d hurt me. I loved the guy.'”
While the single mother of two— who has ditched her law career to start a not-for-profit charity— tried to brush it off, Stacey said she felt betrayed by KC seeing as she leant on her when her alleged affair with Mikey Pembroke spelled the end of her romance with Michael.

“That hurt me the most, that she was there when I was hurting,” she said, adding she often confided in KC about her tumultuous relationship with the Adelaide businessman.
This is the first time the Stacey has been brutally open and honest about where she really stands with KC after the betrayal. After all, it was only last week that she said she was “happy” for the couple.
“I’m happy for them. You know, if he treats her right, then good on them,” she said with a forced smile. “They’re happy, I’m happy, we’re all happy. It’s fine.”

Meanwhile, KC’s ex-husband, Drew Brauer, says he’s happy she’s moved on and found love again.
“I wish them all the best, good on them! I really hope they are happy. KC actually asked me if I’d had a problem with them going out and having a drink. KC and I didn’t work and I wanted her to go for it. I want her to be happy and I still care about her.”
Despite the numerous cheating scandals Michael was embroiled in during the dating experiment, when asked whether he thought they were right for each other, Drew said: “I think Michael and KC Are a lot better match than what we were. I hope it works out for them, all the best ot the
And as for where things stand between KC and Drew at this point in time, the musician confirmed they’re on great terms.
“I think KC and I are in the best position we have ever been in since we met,” he said. It was super hard in the experiment and we weren’t each other’s type. It wasn’t fair on her and it wasn’t fair on me, but we’re good.”

Michael and KC confirmed they were an item earlier this month, telling New Idea that they’ve been secretly seeing each other for over five weeks.
“It’s love. We have one hell of a journey ahead of us – everything is on the table. We even moved in together last week,” he said.
Michael also revealed KC, who moved back from Hollywood in the hope of finding love, has met his son, Connor.
“He’s a cutie,” she said, with Michael adding they’ve already discussed starting their own family together.
“I think KC would be the best mum. A little dancing pop star! We are excited to start the next chapter,” said the party boy who caused quite the stir on this season of the experiment.
“I have no regrets. I loved filming the show and everything it taught me. I learned so much from Drew and even though I didn’t find love on the show, it led me to find love now and I couldn’t be happier,” KC added.