MAFS’ Aleks shockingly reveals “Ivan has two personalities”

It hasn't been smooth sailing.
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She hasn’t been married for long, but Aleksandra has already had a makeover since becoming Ivan’s wife.

WATCH: Radio show HANGS UP on MAFS’ Ivan after he snapped at hosts

“I feel like I definitely have lost a bit of weight, changed the hair colour – that was maybe a little camouflage to not be so recognised,” the newly-blonde the real estate agent says.

She hasn’t been married for long, but Aleksandra has already had a makeover since becoming Ivan’s wife.

“I feel like I definitely have lost a bit of weight, changed the hair colour that was maybe a little camouflage to not be so recognised,” the newly-blonde real estate agent says.

(Credit: Nine Network)

Aleks, 27, and Ivan, 30, have been getting along so far this season, but the bride tells WHO she’s been struggling with her partner’s two personalities.

When it was just us two alone, he was amazing I couldn’t fault him, he treated me like a princess,” she says. “But in social settings, especially around other women, I felt quite degraded, like I wasn’t enough for him. I’ve told him multiple times but a leopard doesn’t change its spots.”

(Credit: Nine Network)

Aleks also hints at drama with another groom.

I’m pretty amicable with everyone but there’s one person there I wouldn’t ever talk to again or have any respect for, and that’s Michael,” she says. “I don’t hate anyone but one person I never want to speak to for the rest of my life is Michael.”

Last week, Aleks opened up about their marriage, revealing it’s been tough getting used to the change. 

“For me, it was really challenging moving in together,” she told Talking Married host Shelly Horton.

“I’ve never lived with a man before, so he was good actually. He did all the washing for us… he did all the domestic chores actually. I just slept all the time, it was great. So I was like, ‘Yeah, I could live with this man, this is good!’ In terms of household living together, there were no issues at all.”

However, when Ivan was shown the footage he was less than impressed, labelling Aleks as “lazy.”

“I think Aleks can be a little lazy,” he commented.

(Credit: Nine Network)

“But look, it’s all just starting to happen for both of us. She’s just like, ‘I’ll just couch and Netflix,’ and she said, ‘You can play with your tools’,” he admitted as they discussed assembling an IKEA flat pack in their new apartment.

“We were probably one of the only couples that actually spent every day together. Except for… Aleks likes to sleep. So she sleeps in every day, she can sleep for 14, 16 hours.

“I don’t know how that happens,” he continued. “So I go out for my run, go for a walk along the harbour, go to the gym, and then I come back and make a cup of coffee for her. So her mornings start with me holding a cup of coffee under her nose, and then we start our day together.”

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