
MAFS: Drew chooses Cornelius the unicorn over KC

Don't come between a man and his mythical creature.
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Drew Brauer has spoken.


The Married At First Sight intruder made things very clear to his wife, KC Osborne on Tuesday night’s episode – he chooses his soft toys, every time.

The aspiring singer spotted more ‘red flags’ in his TV marriage, after KC decided to throw his teddy bears – and other paraphernalia – in the bin while he was MIA. 

MUST WATCH: MAFS’ KC and Drew clash after she throws his toys out

‘I can’t be in a house with toys and teddies and big Corneliuses everywhere. It’s not high school. You know, there’s no way.


‘So Drew’s gone to get some coffees, and I think it’s clean time. I’ve literally gotta get rid of all of this,’ she said, pointing at his collection of soft toys, including a giant unicorn called Cornelius. 

‘That’s a bit weird,’ she said, holding up a pink pillow. ‘Strange,’ she said, holding up what can only be described as a ‘thing’.

And while her manic cleaning spree appeared out of order, KC justified her actions.

‘He needs this. And it’s not me thinking any less of him – this shit’s gotta go. There are just things that have to be done. And I think I’ll start with the teddies first. Say goodbye and put them in the trash outside. Bye, Cornelius and friends! Good riddance!’


The narrator’s voice spoke loud and clear above KC’s cleaning, ‘The groom homestays some big challenges for our couples. Naturally, our wives want to create a space for themselves in their partner’s worlds. But they have to be careful not to overstep the mark. If they try to take over, their husbands could end up resenting them.’

(Credit: Nine)
(Credit: Nine)

Minutes later, Drew arrived home with coffee and kebabs.


‘I got ambushed after coming home from getting coffees. I really wasn’t expecting to come home and find her chucking my stuff out,’ he said, staring at a pink floral tie that she’d also relegated to the ‘throw’ pile. 

‘That’s not cool.

‘I’m standing firm. Cornelius is staying,’ he said, before signalling to viewers that KC’s behaviour was a massive turn-off. ‘This is another red flag for me.’

Talking to his wife, he said, ‘I don’t think anyone likes someone coming into your space and telling you what to do,’ and that he wouldn’t stand for it.


‘We played at Groovin’ The Moo – He came on tour with us and stuff. No one has ever asked him to leave before you got here’

‘Damn, if he really loves his teddies and continues to collect them,’ KC admitted, ‘I can’t see myself being with him long-term.’

(Credit: Nine)

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