
MAFS: Lizzie’s ‘OBSESSED’ with Seb after having sex

Apparently it was 'explosive' in more ways than one...
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Elizabeth Sobinoff and Seb Guilhaus’ marriage is going from strength-to-strength.


The newlyweds consummated their marriage this week – and now it’s full steam ahead! REOW!

MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Elizabeth and Sebastian have sex

Retail assistant, Lizzie, says the sex was so good, it was on par with John Mayer and Jessica Simpson’s ‘sexual napalm’. 

‘We had seeeeex. We had sex. Explosions!’ she told viewers on Wednesday night’s episode of Married At First Sight.


After going through a rough trot on the 2019 season, it looks like Lizzie has found her happily ever after with Seb – and it was there sexy-time that solidified it! 

‘I’m just going to put it out there,’ she began. ‘I’m starting to really like Seb. It was really nice to be intimate with him. And we’re compatible. Definitely!’

(Credit: Nine)

Seb admitted in his own piece to camera, ‘We’ve progressed to the next level. Ding, ding, ding,’ before becoming serious, ‘It’s a big thing. It’s way more than just a physical act.’


Once the pair arrived at the dinner party, they couldn’t wait to get their exciting news off their chests.

Stacey admitted that the pair were ‘glowing’, while Seb admitted to the boys, ‘The best three seconds of my life!’

‘I had sex,’ Lizzie told KC, who squealed with excitement. ‘How was it?’ she asked.

‘Girl, I’m obsessed,’ Liz replied.


To Jonny, she also described their sex life as ‘really good’.

Seb was also pretty chuffed with his bedroom efforts. ‘I’ve told most people I’ve had a sit-down conversation with,’ he admitted.

For Lizzie, she said it was a huge step. ‘It was a huge part of my wall coming down. I feel really comfortable with Seb, so I wanted to tell everybody.’

(Credit: Nine)

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