Michael Goonan can’t seem to accept that Aleks Markovic does NOT want to tell him or Australia if she and husband Ivan Sarkula have had sex.
The Perth real estate agent has constantly told the group, and the Married At First Sight experts, that she feels uncomfortable talking about her sex life, yet Michael and the gang won’t let it go.
MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Michael accuses Aleks of lying about intimacy
On Wednesday night’s episode, Michael and Josh Pihlak claimed that Ivan told them they had in fact consummated their marriage. His words were, ‘rooting like rabbits’ according to Josh.
And while two adults might be satisfied with that knowledge alone, Michael and the cast insisted they be told the truth from Aleks. She needed to admit to having sex with her husband.
Still, Aleks denied it, and Ivan, funnily enough supported her turn of events. Why?

After going back and forth, Aleks confirmed that she had only told the men they’d been ‘intimate’ and that the word ‘sex’ was never used – Josh’s face was riddled with guilt.
He then turned his attention to Ivan, telling the group that Ivan had confirmed that they did indeed have sex.
At this point, viewers are wondering why it matters so much that the couple disclose what goes on behind closed doors, to the table and the rest of Australia – but apparently, Michael is a beacon of truth and morals.
‘So you’re denying that you slept with him,’ Michael continued.
‘YES,’ Aleks begged, explaining that she doesn’t like talking about intimacy because it makes her uncomfortable, so why would she admit to having ‘sex’ to them, of all people.
Michael slammed Aleks to producers, ‘She’s bang out of order… don’t say you haven’t been intimate when you have been intimate.’

‘You come from a very strict family, a very strict family, I appreciate that, but you weren’t dropped off by a stork. Sex is a normal, fine thing, OK? I get that you’re tiptoeing around it… but just be honest.’ Michael said, while the other cast members LAUGHED.
‘Do not say that you have not been intimate when you have been intimate. Just be honest,’ Michael continued.
Fast-forward for what feels like an eternity, and Aleks is in tears. She’s succumbed to the harassment.
Then, the bombshell. Josh tells viewers how Ivan told him, ‘We’ve been rootin’ like rabbits for weeks,’ and that it was IVAN who told Michael and Josh to confront Aleks about their sex life. ‘He got away with looking like the nice guy. It feels like we got used,’ he said, adding that Ivan had been winking at both men as they defended Ivan.
Josh revealed that Ivan had called him and Michael telling them to show him support at the dinner party. Josh wondered if Ivan had set him up, because the real estate agent continued to comfort, support and defend Aleks, all while ‘winking’ at the men.
Now viewers are hitting back on social media. One fan slammed the MAFS men, particularly Michael. ‘Imagine being slut-shamed out of the experiment. #TeamAleks.’
Another wrote, ‘So disappointed in Ivan, Michael & Josh.’
While a third reminded the cast, ‘Someone needs to call Michael out on his toxic, manipulative, trouble-making behaviour. He is an absolute narcissist! Whoops nearly forgot, a pathological liar to boot!’
But the most poignant of all came from a Twitter user who posted, ‘Why doesn’t anyone tell Michael to get stuffed? How did the guy who gets drunk at every opportunity and has other women’s bikinis at his house become the relationship guru?’
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