
MAFS: Couples side with STEVE after Mishel ‘rips him a new one’

'This is public rejection.'
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Mishel was a walking Urban Dictionary on Wednesday night’s episode of Married At First Sight – and God help you if you go in her way!


MUST WATCH: Mishel’s low blow at Steve “you will lose your other f***ing ball”

‘I think I dealt with it really well at the time,’ Mishel told viewers, referring to Steve telling her he wasn’t ‘physically attracted’ to her, and never had been.

But, ‘When I got home… the more I kept unpacking it, the more I got quite upset.’

After giving her husband the silent treatment back at their apartment, Mishel became angry and upset.


‘I’m really f-ckin’ sorry that you’re upset,’ he said.

Mishel was hurt that he’d told producers and cameras about his lack of attraction to his wife, instead of actually telling her. ‘Are you telling all of Australia but you’re not telling your wife?’

‘Yep. Correct,’ Steve replied.

That’s when Mishel went from zero to 100.


‘You’re a f-cking idiot. I’m so done with you,’ she snapped.

‘You’re top level piece of shit. He thinks he’s a glass of f-cking Moet, when really he’s warm piss in a plastic glass.

‘Don’t come near me tonight or you’ll lose your other f-cking ball!’

The attack on Steve’s ball was a real low blow, considering he lost his other testicle to cancer a few years ago.


‘Well, that went well,’ he replied.

(Credit: Nine)

The unhappy couple then moved to the car, on route to the dinner party.

‘Have you ever heard of Charles Darwin, Steve?’ she asked, leaving viewers wondering what would come next.


‘Yep,’ Steve replied.

‘He did the theory of evolution,’ she began.

‘Years ago he had a theory of digging a big hole in the middle of Australia and putting all those dumb people in it. You’ll be one of the first in there, you know.’

The destination couldn’t come fast enough. But what was ahead of him was even more hellish.

(Credit: Nine)

‘There’s no amount of alcohol that can help me tonight,’ Mishel said, pouring herself two glasses of Champagne – preferably Moet – before taking her seat on the couch.

Steve then told the other hubbies, ‘I’ve just been ripped a new one because I didn’t tell my wife if I wasn’t attracted to her.’

‘Yesterday, we had the best day ever. And now, she’s at the other side of the table because of some of the things she said today just weren’t right… the way I was spoken to today was just not cool, man.’


Lizzie wanted all the info from Mishel, who explained it like this…

‘He’s been saying to other people that he’s not attracted to me for the last six weeks. Wouldn’t it have been good if he told me?

‘I looking like a f–king idiot.  A Tinder date will last an hour, and after that, you can say, “I’m not interested.” This is like a six week f–king Tinder date.’

Steve told producers, ‘I’m not in a good frame of mind with Mishel at the moment. After being attacked at the hotel. After being attacked in the car. You can only take so much.’


Jonny and Connie jumped to Steve’s defense, while Cathy, Josh, Aleks and Ivan all said they could understand both sides of the battle.

Mishel was left seething. ‘I just want someone to validate that I’ve got a point.’

(Credit: Nine)

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