
Viewers call for MAFS to be axed after experts John’s foul comments

"Such an unprofessional clinician."
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The Married At First Sight experts have been caught in the firing line on multiple occasions thanks to their lacklustre advice and innate inability to match compatible people who could progress outside of the experiment.


WATCH: Is this why fans are fuming at Steve?

So it comes as no surprise viewers of the series have turned on the relationship gurus for their inappropriate comments during last night’s commitment ceremony.


Do you think they have the contestants’ best interests at heart? (Credit: Nine)

After the segment with Mishel Karen and Steve Burley aired, many salty viewers took to Twitter to rip into expert John Aiken for dwelling on their lack of intimacy. They were also furious he claimed the couple wasn’t taking the experiment seriously due to the fact they’ve been unable to develop romantic feelings for one another. 

Umm… whose fault is that????

“I’ve got to call it for what it is. You guys started out as friends, eight weeks on, you’re still friends. You’ve not got out of the friend zone at all. You are essentially two people that have not been able to get on-board the process,” John told the couple, leaving Mishel visibly upset and Steve angry.

“It’s the same conversations we’ve had the last four or five commitment ceremonies and you need the feedback. What I’m saying is, let’s call it, it’s friends not lovers. It’s not going anywhere now and it ain’t going anywhere in the future. I’m calling BS on this.”

John is by far the most controversial of the three experts. (Credit: Nine)

And this is what fuming viewers had to say: 

“John Aiken on MAFS pretty much told Steve that he’s ”sh*t and never tries, will never make the relationship go past a friendship because you won’t have it with your wife” … imagine being told that by a real Councillor [sic],” one user wrote. 

“Agh a clinical psychologist, John Aiken, acting somewhat unprofessionally by telling Steve and Mishel that just cos they haven’t done the nude tango – ”I’m calling BS on this” – hey John, a solid friendship is a good base for something long term, duh,” another added. 


A different viewer addressed the supposed psychologist directly, writing: “Hey John, You were one of the “experts” that put Mishel & Steve together so I’m calling bullshit on you being an expert…& as for the other two, one just wants to hear the couple’s sex stories & the other just wants to out cleavage the wives.”

“I feel like reporting John to the psychologist’s registration board – such an unprofessional clinician,” a separate user wrote in response.

“You were one of the “experts” that put Mishel & Steve together.” (Credit: Twitter)

It’s become clear in recent weeks Steve and Mishel’s relationship hasn’t been able to stand the test of time, with the former couple taking not so subtle swipes at each other every chance they get. 

The pair went head to head when the barbershop owner suggested his TV bride leaked the abhorrent photos showing him impersonating Adolf Hitler and mimicking Asian features. Understandably she was fuming when she caught wind of the accusation, claiming she’d never even seen the disgusting pictures

“I suffered enough on that show,” she told Daily Mail Australia. “Steve is very good at telling me throughout the entire series and afterwards that he has my back and then he insinuating I leaked these.

Steve reportedly tried to impersonate his on-screen wife Mishel in a second image (Credit: WhatsApp)
Steve impersonated WWII Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the group chat. (Credit: WhatsApp)

“I have been nothing but supportive of Steve, not bagging him or anything, and then I am told he is making fun of me,” Mishel added, clearly aggravated and devastated by the photo of Steve pretending to be an “Asian Mishel”.   

While it’s unclear who shared the photos— which were sent on a private WhatsApp chat—with the press, the mum-of-two said she wouldn’t put it past Steve to leak them himself! 

The shocking pictures were initially obtained by The Daily Telegraph, who reached out to the 51-year-old hairdresser for comment, however, he said he wasn’t willing to elaborate. 


“I have no comment to make on that, no comment,” the controversial reality TV star told the publication. “It was just a bit of fun with some friends I think … with the rest of the group I think.” 

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