Despite sparking outrage and offending thousands of Married At First Sight fans, Michael Goonan is standing by his decision to flaunt his wealth on Instagram.
WATCH: MAFS’ Michael Goonan reveals truth about his wealth
Addressing the backlash he and KC Osborne copped for posting “tacky” and “distasteful” photos on the private they hired to fly them from Melbourne to Sydney, Michael said he enjoys the finer things in life and shouldn’t have to apologise for that.
“To me, with the private jet, I didn’t mean any disregard for people that looked at that and thought, ‘What a d**k head’. At the end of the day, I’d rather fly on a private jet than Tiger [Air],” the 29-year-old told KOTN Media during a Facebook Live interview.

“I’ve got to be honest, sorry guys. I am not a snobby person that thinks he’s better than anyone. If I want to go on a private jet, who gives a f**k. I don’t think I’m better than anyone.”
Interestingly, dancer teacher turned MAFS bride KC was also quick to defend herself in a rant that left many of her Instagram followers confused and frustrated.

Her unusual response to the scandal left many wondering whether she was dating the party boy businessman for his money, with some even branding her a “gold digger”. KC has since addressed this hurtful accusation which also plagued Michael and Stacey Hampton’s short-lived relationship.
“Michael, I do believe, came into my life for a reason. This is the happiest I have ever been with someone. We are so alike, we are a team,” she said in the lengthy video rant posted to social media.
“For all those gold digging comments that I do get, that’s cool, have your say. They’re words. They make me upset at the time, but guess what? When I do get upset, it just makes me stronger. I don’t need a man and I don’t need Michael to get me nice things.”

The dance teacher, who recently moved back to Australia after failing to make it big time in Los Angeles, went on to say that God put the MAFS groom in her life for a reason.
“I didn’t plan for it to be this way, but I do believe that God has a plan and I am so grateful for Michael being in my life. We are a team, we are a partnership and I absolutely love how that boy treats me. I’m just happy.”