They looked like they were falling for each other after tying the knot, but MAFS’ Mishel Karen and Steve Burley’s relationship hit rock bottom last week when the barbershop owner said he wasn’t attracted to his TV wife.
WATCH:MAFS expert John calls out Steve and Mishel on their relationship
No doubt a difficult pill to swallow, the 48-year-old mum struggled to deal with the fact Steve wasn’t interested in taking their relationship to the next level, leaving her wondering why she kept writing “stay” each week.
However, it wasn’t all bad times for the mismatched couple! Both Steve and Mishel still have an insane amount of respect and love for each other, and were perhaps better suited as friends from the get-go!
Perhaps this will be a topic that they discuss in their final vows to one another. But before we see that play out on tonight’s episode of MAFS, let’s take a trip down memory lane and remember how it all started!

Steve’s Vows:
“Mishel, I will be there for you though great times and not-so-great times. I will care for you, be loyal to you, I will make you laugh and hopefully never make you cry. And perhaps as time moves forward I will fall in love you.
“Today is the day that brought us both together. It’s a special day, not only for both of us, but for all our family and friends. I do hope your family and friends approve of me. If not, I’ll do my utmost to change their opinions.
“[To Mishel’s guests] Your daughter, friend or sister is in very safe hands.”

Mishel’s Vows:
“Today as I stand here, I pledge to you to be your faithful friend and partner. I promise to be thoughtful and kind, and never leave you behind. It kind of rhymed, sorry.
“I will respect you and trust you, and cherish your uniqueness. And I hope that you learn to adore my unique qualities.
“I enter this commitment with you knowing that the magic of love is yet to come. I will try my best, and I hope my best will be enough for you to fall in love with me.
“Whatever lies ahead, good or bad, we’ll face together.”