
Judge Amber Lewin dishes BTS Pooch Perfect goss

Here's what goes on when the fur is flying!
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At her luxurious grooming parlour and pet hotel just outside LA, every dog is pampered on a marble counter, with its own chandelier overhead.


WATCH: First Look at the all new Pooch Perfect with Rebel Wilson

Only the very best shampoos are used and the services offered include facials, nail polishing, teeth brushing and glitter tattoos. It’s like a list from a high-end beauty parlour.

I feel that dogs should be treated with more luxury,” Amber Lewin tells WHO. “When you walk into my shop you can see all the groomers and each dog. You feel comfortable leaving your dog there. It’s not like we take them behind closed doors and you don’t know what’s going on.”

Watch the amazing makeovers and the very best moments from the series here, where they’re all online.

(Credit: Supplied)

Amber Lewin, one of the world’s most respected canine groomers, is in Australia for the first time to cast her expert eye over the teams of contestants on Seven’s new show Pooch Perfect.

“I’ve beaten out all my competition in this industry, so when the show came up, I knew I was ready. With all my knowledge and expertise, I thought I would be great at it!”

Alongside fellow judge Colin Taylor, she’ll be critiquing 10 teams of Aussie groomers as they are put through a series of styling tasks. The winner will go walkies with $100,000!


Lewin says superstar presenter Rebel Wilson has been the perfect tour guide. “She’s wonderful so humble and so down to the earth. She really just hung out with us. One day she took me out on her boat with her mum and sister, and we spent the whole day together floating around Sydney Harbour. We had such a great time; she is a really nice person.”

Lewin has been grooming nearly all her life. “I had to help my mum at her salon so I learnt how to do it from a really young age, and by the time I was 14 I could pretty much groom any dog. At first, I didn’t want to be a groomer. I cried because it was a really dirty job and dirt cheap, so I tried to turn it into something glamorous, something much better.”

(Credit: Seven)

In those early days, it was a struggle to keep the business, tucked away behind a pet store, afloat. They even hired inmates from a nearby women’s prison to groom clients. Now, she’s world-famous in the competitive world of dog shows, and has won a string of top awards. She says that to follow in her paw prints, the contestants will have to show compassion and love as well as skill.


“One time I saw some boys kicking a little Pomeranian on the street, and I actually went up to the house, knocked on the door and told them if they didn’t give me the dog I was going to call the police.

(Credit: Seven)

They gave me the pup, but it ended up losing an eye and part of its cheek because they were being mean to it. We kept that dog and it’s still alive to this day; it is like 16 years old. It would have to be my most memorable groom!”

Lewin says modern day pooches are more pampered than ever before.


“People treat their dogs like their children. Sometimes my clients come in and go ‘my hair needs to be done but Angel needs her hair done before me’. People now are putting their dogs ahead of them; it’s crazy!”

Judge for yourself! Full episodes of Pooch Perfect are right here for all the laughs and gasps here online at 7plus.

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