
Sam Frost Tells Her Bullies They Have ‘Won’

The reality star says she feels “broken” after being trolled online
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Sam Frost may have found fame on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette television series, but the reality star turned breakfast radio host, 27, has conceded she is struggling with being in the public eye.


In an emotional July 4 Twitter post, Frost said she was being “heavily trolled” and that it was taking a toll on her.

‘To the fake accounts heavily trolling me online and into my personal life. If you wanted to break me… Congratulations you have won #broken,” she wrote with a broken heart emoticon.

Fans were quick to lend their support to the Sydney-based star, including fellow reality star Tully Smyth and radio presenter Mel Grieg.


It is not the first time Frost has been the victim of online bullying.

Earlier this year in response to bullying she had received online, she penned an open letter to trolls on her 2Day FM breakfast radio show, which she hosts with Rove McManus.

“I don’t think people really understand the impact of it. Young kids and people, including myself get bullied on a daily basis,” she said.

“For just one moment, think about what it would be like if a bully never left you alone. This bully came into your home, this bully was relentless, on your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This bully was with you 24 hours a day.”


She then expressed the detrimental impact of bullying, saying it can “have an eternal effect on the person they’re directed at.”

“You could ruin their day, their week and even their life,” she concluded.

(Credit: Getty Images)

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