In an unexpected turn of events, Vakoo Kauapirura and Rachael Arahill have ditched this year’s Bachelor Matt Agnew and fallen head over heels for each other instead!
In yet another Bachelor bombshell to send shock waves across the nation, new photos have emerged showing the reality TV stars locking lips while on a dinner date at a Sydney restaurant last week.
An unnamed source close to the model told New Idea that after meeting and forming a connection in the Bachelor mansion, their close friendship quickly developed into something more.
WATCH: Vakoo reveals all the ladies hoping to win Matt’s heart showed each other their vaginas while drunk in the Bachelor mansion
“Rachael and Vakoo formed a really strong friendship in the mansion and their feelings for each other quickly developed,” the insider dished. “They ended up hooking up in the mansion one night after one of the first cocktail parties. It was never filmed and producers never found out about it.
“They started spending lots of time together after that. The girls would always see them together, going for walks alone, and started to question if they were more than friends but they never confirmed it.
According to the spy, Rachael— who’s long been labelled one of this year’s Bachelor villains—told the producers that if things didn’t work out with the hunky astrophysicist, she had another relationship to fall back on.
“Rachael told producers one night in her piece-to-camera that she had ‘plan B’ – and everyone thought she was referring to a crew member or someone back home, and it became this big scandal in the house, but she was actually talking about Vakoo.”
“Rachael and Vakoo are still together but have been keeping things on the down-low since they got out.”
Their secret rendezvous comes after months of social media flirting.
“Thankful we went on this crazy journey or I wouldn’t of met my soulmate,” Rachael, who previously worked in the adult entertainment industry, captioned a snap of her and Vakoo on Instagram.
“I love you so much!” Vakoo replied.
Adding further fuel to the romance fire, Vakoo all but confirmed in a cryptic Instagram post that she’d found love in the mansion following her elimination last week.
“I may not have found love with the Bach but I found love with some extraordinary women,” she shared.
Earlier this month, Vakoo told Kyle and Jackie O revealed lots of juicy details about what went down in the mansion when the cameras stopped rolling. When asked about the wildest thing that happened behind the scenes, the 23-year-old revealed that after a few wines one evening, all the girls vying for Matt’s affection showed each other their vaginas.
Yes, you read that correctly. They all compared their private parts.
“We got really comfortable and we just started…”
“Shaving each other?” shock jock Kyle butted in.
“Close,” the runway queen said with a laugh. “We all showed each other our vaginas. It’s fascinating. You’re looking and you’re like, ‘wow, so yours is like that? Mines a bit different.'”