After a revealing chat with Matty J and an argument with her fellow contestants, Jen Hawke decided to walk away from The Bachelor. Here she talks to WHO about her time on the show, the other ladies and her love life, and she truly does not hold back.
WHO: How are you feeling after last night’s episode?
JEN HAWKE: I’m feeling awesome. I’m the girl who walked out on Matty J what’s not to love about this?
WHO: You are! Did you actually get to say goodbye to Matty before you walked out?
JEN: No. So I quite literally smoke bombed the cocktail party.
WHO: What do you think the girls reaction was?
JEN: To be honest I don’t really care. I know Elise apparently woke up the next morning and was like ‘do you think I was too harsh on Jen?’. She said that to Simone. But I don’t really care what they think, I was out of there and so glad to be.
WHO: Last night you said there are girls who don’t deserve to be there. Who were you referring to?
JEN: I was definitely talking about Lisa, obviously. Saying what she said about Matty being there for fame and to keep himself in the spotlight and only picking a girl because she’ll fit into his lifestyle. I think if that’s what you think of somebody I don’t think you should be there. You’ve got two stage five clingers in Cobie and Elora so I think they’re there for the right reasons. I think as you move up the list there’s obviously a few who are questionable. Tara has mentioned that she wants to be on Play School. So I think people are definitely there with agendas.

WHO: You were labelled as a villain on the show. What’s your take on that?
JEN: I love being the villain. I’ve said it pretty frequently that there’s three people who tend to get air-time on a show like this. The girl who wins; the girl who gets her heartbroken and the villain. And I’m really glad that I’m not filler.
WHO: So did you go on the show wanting to be the villain, wanting to find love or did you get there and think he’s not for me?
JEN: It was definitely option three. I got there and I was definitely disappointed that it was Matty on the red carpet. But I thought you know what let’s give it a go. It was definitely a slow burn there was no initial spark. And I did give the slow burn a chance but nothing ever happened, there was never anything that made me go I could really be with this guy.
Then to me it was kind of like you’ve given up everything to be here, you may as well make the run last as long as possible. So that’s when I decided that being the villain was the next best option and I just ran with it.
WHO: Do you think if you did have a single date with Matty things would have been different, you may have felt a connection?
JEN: Look, as dreamy as Matty is, I don’t think he is the guy for me. I don’t think a single date would’ve changed that. I think there would have been an initial spark anyway. To me, away from that whole show I don’t believe in slow burns. So the fact that I was even willing to give a slow burn a try is completely against my own nature. I was willing to give it a try it just never happened and I don’t think a single date would have changed that.
WHO: Who did you want to see on the red carpet as you got out of the limousine?
JEN: I wouldn’t have minded Cam Cranley [from Georgia Love’s season of The Bachelorette]. I mean who doesn’t like a hot fireman?
WHO: There were reports this week that you accidentally revealed the winner by commenting on a photo of Laura Byrne and Matty. What’s your response to that?
JEN: Honestly, that is a complete tongue in cheek thing. It’s not even a ‘you guys are the cutest’ referring to her and Matty, it’s referring to her and the champagne glass. Which goes back to girls late nights where we would have a few beverages and everyone would kind of joke about who drinks the most in the house and we’re like ‘Laura does!’ So that’s why there’s the wink face attached to it. Unless the winner was Laura and the champagne, I did not reveal the winner.
WHO: Who do you think will win?
JEN: I would love to see Flo win, but to be honest I probably think Laura would. She’s a great, great chick and I think they do have a lot in common without being too similar. She’d add just that right amount of spice to his life.
WHO: What about Elise? We finally saw her have her first single date last night.
JEN: I think Elise is a lovely girl but boring, and I think her and Matty together as a couple would singlehandedly be Australia’s most boring couple.
WHO: Would you ever consider being The Bachelorette?
JEN: That seems to be coming up a lot lately. Look, if I was single at the time when they’re casting I definitely would consider it. It would be an honour to be asked of even considered. I 100 per cent believe in the process, it’s obviously worked for people before. I mean, Look at Tim [Robards] and Anna [Heinrich]. I would give it a go if I was single.
WHO: So, are you currently dating anybody?
JEN: I am currently dating somebody.
WHO: And it’s not Jake Ellis [from Georgia Love’s season of The Bachelorette], is it?
JEN: It’s not Jake. Everyone’s like ‘are you and jake’? No he’s just a friend.
WHO: Did you and Jake date in the past?
JEN: Look, we did date, it was on and off. It was never anything serious. It was just like casual, fun and he knew I was going on The Bachelor and her 100 per cent supported me. We both knew it was never going anywhere between us so it was kind of like let’s see where this goes and deal with what we can deal with.
WHO: How did you meet your current boyfriend?
JEN: Umm, I can’t really say.
WHO: Is it somebody we may know?
JEN: Yeah, you will.
WHO: When do you think you’ll go public?
JEN: We’ll probably go public in about three months.
WHO: Have you kept in contact with any of the girls?
JEN: Yeah, definitely. Quite a few of us have a group chat and we check in with each other. Leah and Monica are literally going to land in Sydney in the next few hours and I can not wait to see them.
WHO: What’s next for you now, what’s the plan?
JEN: I’m back at work, I’m about to launch my bikini and lingerie label. That’s where my focus is at the moment… Just basically head down bum up and riding the wave as it happens.
The Bachelor airs on Network Ten every Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30pm