David started of the episode by showing off his greatest talent – strutting without pants on.
The bare-bottom treat was David’s big talent, according to the male model.
But it was his history-making move that really entertained viewers on Tuesday night.
David’s sidekick Phoebe revealed to the New York-based Aussie that she had an immunity idol clue.
Bingo. David couldn’t have been happier, because he planned to double-cross Phoebs for changing her vote at a previous tribal council.
After having no luck finding the idol herself, she told David that it was hidden in a termite nest.
Naturally, David found it easily, while he had Phoebe searching in another direction.
Brilliant, shady and excellent television!
‘First time in the history of Australian Survivor, someone is sitting on two idols. Phoebe’s still looking for that idol.
‘Oh man I’m having so much fun with this,’ he said in his voice-over, while pretending to help her find the idol.’
Now wearing the second idol around his neck, David was invincible.
‘Oooh, that feels good. People gonna be tryin’ to blindside me.’
He’s made the decision to ditch Phoebe and create an alliance with Sharn, and Phoebe’s enemy, Moana.
At tribal council, David pulled out one of his idols BEFORE voting, to ‘keep things honest’, referring to his new alliance with Sharn and Moana.
Phoebe was shell-shocked.
But there were more shocks to come.
When she was voted out, David went to give her a goodbye hug, only to be given the cold shoulder and the parting words of, ‘Come oooon’ to her former buddy.