WATCH: MAFS Mike Gunner gets epic revenge on Jessika Power after cheating scandal is exposed

He is NOT happy.
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Married at First Sight’s relationship experts caused waves during Sunday night’s commitment ceremony, when they allowed Jessika Power and Dan Webb to stay together on the program, after cheating on their partners.

Australia is absolutely outraged by the decision made by the relationship experts, even creating a Change.org petition to get the show cancelled and off the air.

However, one contestant is angrier than anyone: Mike Gunner.

WATCH Mike and Jess have a huge showdown over her affair:

The clip which aired on Sunday evening shows Mike GIVING IT to Jess over her affair with Dan, implying that she is being childish.

Sharing a drink as they sit across from one another, Mike says that he accepts that “what was said was said”.

He also wants to: “see if you were adult enough to accept responsibility for your actions”.

Jessika, very angry, hits back: “Do you not think I’ve faced the music enough?” 

(Credit: Channel Nine)

After the shock confession during Sunday night’s episode, Jessika and Dan’s respective partners Mick Gould and Tamara Joy were able to leave the experiment, both leaving in tears.

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