Thanks to Stacey Hampton, her Married At First Sight husband, Michael Goonan, was taken on a roller coaster walk down memory lane during Sunday night’s final vows – and we relished every moment!
MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Michael responds to rumours of Stacey cheating
But first, this season’s philandering, party-loving, alleged substance-abusing groom had his vows to perform for the single mum, in front of a pink heritage home adorned in flowers.

“Stacey, where do I start? What a journey we have embarked on,” he began, and we have to agree.
“It feels like a lifetime ago that you stood in front of me like a stranger. The past few months have been intense to say the least. You met me as a confused, juvenile boy. Now I stand here before you as a more mature man and husband. I was arrogant, naive and immature. I thought I knew everything when it came to relationships. But how wrong was I? You could have given up on me so many times, Stacey, but you saw the good in me, and you continue to bring out the best in me. For this, I’m eternally grateful and forever in your debt. You’ve had my back in the heat of conflict and you’re not afraid to pull me up, reign me in or tightest the leash. You’re the only girl that can handle me in my entirety. You’re the only girl that has me absolutely whipped. You’ve become my rock and my pillar, and you’ve made me a person I’m honestly proud to be. Stacey, this decision is simple. You’re my best friend, and my lover, and my soulmate, and I’ll love you until I draw my last breath.”
“Are you ready? Before I start, you have to understand that I’ve rewritten these vows, numerous times,” she explained, the perfect disclaimer before ripping him a new one.
“You haven’t made it easy for me, but here we are and I’ve managed to put pen to paper and I’m ready to be completely and utterly raw with you. When I heard you talk for the first time, I was concerned. I thought, oh here we go, another immature boy I’m about to take on and give my all to. During the honeymoon, things began to change. I couldn’t remember the last time I spent so long laughing. It was at that moment I began to find hope in us. I began feeling comfortable and safe. I began to feel happy. Finally, my fairy tale was happening. But then it all fell apart. You were accused of cheating on me and in that moment, all my hopes, all of my joy and all of my newfound happiness disappeared. My heart froze and I realised I was the idiot that let you in. I expressed to you how much the impact of my brother’s death and losing my father hurt me. I opened up and told you that all I ever wanted was to love and be loved. You took every single part of my heart and crushed it in your hands. You made me feel worthless. Despite all of this, I was willing to give you a second chance, a chance to prove yourself. I know you can talk your way out of a paper bag, so it was actions I needed to see. Those actions began when you started sending me flowers on my brother’s birthday. The fact that you knew it was his birthday made me cry. Then you stopped drinking alcohol and turned down events with boys for six weeks. You did what you told me you would. You proved your change through actions. So here I am, sharing my deepest, darkest emotions with you. I know what we have isn’t perfect. It has taken tears, heartbreak and huge amount of compromising, but we are us, and we are unbreakable. I love you, Michael. And nothing would make me happier than leaving here hand-in-hand, and never looking back at the issues we’ve endured, and having someone who can finally show me love and laughter.”

Fans will remember how their budding romance came to a sudden halt when he was accused of hooking up with Hayley Vernon— an affair he can’t quite seem to remember thanks to a few too many drinks!
Obviously, his actions caused the mother-of-two to lose faith and trust in her television husband, meaning he spent most of his time in the experiment trying to prove that he’d changed his deceitful ways. But just when we thought they’d made it out the other side, he was slapped with another cheating allegation, with many (including Stacey) claiming he tried to hook up with intruder KC Osborne.
In saying this, Stacey isn’t so innocent herself! She’s been embroiled in her own cheating scandal, with Mikey Pembroke telling Australia that he “slept with” the blonde bombshell during the experiment.
These claims, along with dozens of fights about his reckless behaviour and attitude towards drinking eventually led to the demise of their relationship. And it’s clear they’re on bad terms! In fact, Stacey says she’d “rather swallow acid and die” than ever see or speak to her now estranged ex-husband again!
Regardless of what’s transpired since they met at the altar, here’s what they promised each other in their lovey-dovey first vows…

“A man at a bus stop once told me, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates.’ Never has that felt so true as now,” he said to good-natured groans from onlookers.
“Three experts have reached into a box of Favourites and picked out my life partner — one who I know will be a huge ‘boost’ to my life, one who I know I can ‘crunch’ through life’s problems with, one who I can ‘snickers’ at her every joke, and one who I can ‘twirl’ around this dance floor ’til we’re dizzy.
“But in all seriousness, I’m ready to leave the boy behind and become a man. We have an opportunity to create something magical, something pure, real and unique.”
“I’d be naive to ask you today to accept, love and desire me, yet I appreciate you standing here giving me the chance. The chance to make you my everything — my best friend, my banter buddy, my go-to girl and my princess.
“So hold on tight, ’cause we’re in for a hell of a ride.”
“To my husband, I promise you that from this day forward I am wholeheartedly putting my love and energy into this journey with you.
“Of course I am nervous. Lots of people think I am crazy for marrying a complete stranger, especially considering how hurt I have been throughout my past. But as you will learn I never do things by halves.
“I know I am a lot to take in at first sight, but today, on our wedding day, I promise that I will let you break down my walls, get to know the real me, which only a few people know, and I will make you the happiest man, and the best wife I can be.”