MAFS’ Mishel Karen and Steve Burley’s relationship hit rock bottom when the barbershop owner said he wasn’t attracted to his TV wife – but he continued to assure her that a sexual attraction could develop.
Then Mishel, and viewers, saw Steve’s audition tape, which showed him telling MAFS producers that he wanted to be matched with a woman in her mid to late thirties. Mishel, of course, is 48.
MUST WATCH: Michael says Steve is the ‘fakest’ person on MAFS and needs viagra
So after professing his love for Mishel – sans attraction or intimacy – he convinced the single mum that there was still hope.
Fast-forward to their final vows on Monday night, and there were fireworks a-plenty. Just not the good kind. Steve opened the show with a very poignant line. “She deserves me in her life.” Well, let’s just see was SHE thinks about that.
Here, are Steve and Mishel’s explosive vows…

“I’ll start at the very beginning. Our wedding day. I was waiting for my bride, and when I was asked to turn around, I saw this amazing person walking towards me. I didn’t know what you expect, but I was so pleased to see you for the first time. You looked amazing in your dress. You were so nervous and shaking like a leaf, but I said: ‘It’s OK, we’ll get through this together.’ And we did. It was a day I’ll never, ever forget. Living with you as husband and wife is, and was, one of the greatest things I’ve done in my life. You inspired, encouraged and praised me. And above all, you loved me and trusted me for who I am, and I feel I did the same in return. Mishel, I will love you until my last breath for that. You look beautiful, by the way. Mishel, I’m privileged to have called you my wife. We stayed strong through this, Mishel, and I’m so glad we did. Because not having in each in our lives, in my opinion, would be a travesty to both of us. I’ve loved every second spent with you. I want you in my life, Mishel. You mean so much more to me than friends, you know that. I’ve missed you like crazy being at home on my own, and I feel that the closeness between us will only get stronger as time goes on. What an amazing thing to say, that I’ve met a stranger just two months ago, but now I can openly say, I love you. You’ve changed my life for the better, Mishel, and I’m so thankful I have you in my life, forever.”

“Steve, I came here, to this experiment, to find love and to fall in love with someone. As a woman, I never really valued or appreciated all of me, especially the quirky parts of me that make me, me. No one has ever told me to love my quirks or love myself, but you did, which I thank you for. On our wedding day, I walked up to you as a confident, strong and sexy woman, who was terribly nervous and scared. We grew very close and truly began to care for one another. We fell into a pattern of an old married couple, and because of that, I feel we have a very special bond. During the experiment, I became attracted to you, and grew genuine feelings of wanting to take this relationship to the next stage, but you were never ready to take the next step. Steve, you constantly told me how much you loved me, but even then, you didn’t consider how I was feeling. The fact you kept telling me you were not attracted to me made me doubt myself, doubt my attractiveness, lose confidence and strength. If the words you said to me were true and honest, then why did you not act on those feelings. You couldn’t even kiss me to find out. I felt that I had to show my worth, or show how valuable I am, but you just kept missing it, not seeing what was right in front of your eyes. I want a partner that deserves me, and wants me with all their heart, soul and dreams. In all honesty, Steve, although it hurts me to admit, I feel like you have been stringing me along this whole time. Giving me hope where there was no hope, you words were leaving me on to believe that you had stronger feelings for me than what you truly have – and that is not OK. During this experiment, my growth was not from your words, and boy, you had a lot to say. What made me stronger was your rejection. l I have felt the least attractive, and least sensual I have ever felt in my whole life, spending this time with you, and listening to you remind me that you have no attraction. Believe me, when I say to you, Mishel, the woman that stands in front of you today, does not need to be validated by a man. Especially by a man that has not considered my feelings along this journey. As I always say, ‘A person comes into your life for a reason or a season’ and Steve, our season together is over. We are done. Steve, you have wasted my time.”

To say the mood was awkward, after Mishel’s rinsing, was an understatement.
Steve said, “Well, that’s your opinion,” to which she replied, “I hope that one day, you will see what you have done. Goodbye, Steve.”
So, how do these vows compare to their original promises, months earlier?
“Mishel, I will be there for you though great times and not-so-great times. I will care for you, be loyal to you, I will make you laugh and hopefully never make you cry. And perhaps as time moves forward I will fall in love you. Today is the day that brought us both together. It’s a special day, not only for both of us, but for all our family and friends. I do hope your family and friends approve of me. If not, I’ll do my utmost to change their opinions. [To Mishel’s guests] Your daughter, friend or sister is in very safe hands.”

“Today as I stand here, I pledge to you to be your faithful friend and partner. I promise to be thoughtful and kind, and never leave you behind. It kind of rhymed, sorry. I will respect you and trust you, and cherish your uniqueness. And I hope that you learn to adore my unique qualities. I enter this commitment with you knowing that the magic of love is yet to come. I will try my best, and I hope my best will be enough for you to fall in love with me. Whatever lies ahead, good or bad, we’ll face together.”