Cara Delevingne is back on the fashion scene. The model-turned-actress has been announced as the new face of Dior’s Addict lipstick collection.

Back in 2015, Cara announced that she was quitting modelling to focus and pursue her passion in acting. The actress said back in 2015, “Modeling just made me feel a bit hollow after a while,” and “It didn’t make me grow at all as a human being.”
Cara then took a little break from the fashion industry and has maybe returned to align only with brands that don’t make her feel or do anything uncomfortable as she has also expressed in the past that, “You start when you are really young and … you get subjected to … not great stuff.” The pixie-haired beauty also shared an image of herself recently on Instagram modelling for PUMA.
The new lipstick called ‘Stellar Shine’ will be available in March of next year.
We think Cara’s new campaign for Dior looks beautiful, grown up and shows a strong Cara!