
This Instagram page is calling out celebrities photoshopping their already edited images

"WELCOME TO REALITY" this is our new Instagram obsession.



“If you don’t want to see the truth ➡ leave this page.”

That’s how CELEBFACE reads.

In this digital age where we are constantly saturated with images of perfect-looking people on Instagram, the line between reality and Insta-beauty is often blurred. Cue Celebface – our new Instagram obsession. The page  that started with 30, 000 followers has gotten so popular it now has a following of over half a million/600K followers.

Celebface reveals celebrities’ Instagram posts and exposes the extra photoshopping & editing they have done ON TOP OF their already heavily filtered and edited images. Often posting before and after GIFs highlighting the sometimes hard-to-miss differences. At first glance the differences seem subtle, but when placed next to each other, seem more extreme & sometimes unnecessary.


When you think you’re the only one having a bad skin day, have a scroll through the Celebface feed where you can also find super close-up shots of the celebrities and their every single flaw, pore and hair. We’re all human after all!

Celebface is definitely a healthy dose of celeb reality highlighting how not just celebrities, but also models have distorted images of themselves. For example, Bella Hadid stretching out her eyes, Kendall Jenner creating even thinner hips and Kim Kardashian playing with different skin tones.

Kim Kardashian
(Credit: Celeb Face Instagram)
(Credit: Celebface Instagram)
Elsa Hosk
(Credit: Celebface Instagram)

It is baffling to us why some of the most beautiful women in the world such as Bella Hadid feel the need to further manipulate their images, but this just shows that that all women have insecurities, even famous ones.

 However, this page is not curated to be nasty, but rather to show us that celebrities and models have flaws just like us. They are not these perfect, airbrushed humans that we are often presented.

In a recent article in the Huffington post, the owner behind the social media page was quoted saying “This is not a page for hate. This is the page for people who use Instagram every day and think celebrities are perfect. But nobody is perfect. Celebrities are ordinary people.” 


 When we are so often exposed to impossible beauty standards on social media, it’s easy to get down about ourselves, Celebface helps us to see that beauty come in all shapes, size and skin tones. No matter what your status.

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