Who doesn’t want to find everlasting love through the medium of reality TV.
With ultimate wingman Osher Gunsberg by your side, you could be on the new season of The Bachelorette.
Watch Osher convince you that you should apply.
This week, Warner Bros. announced that casting is open.
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They shared a photo of a guy standing on top of a mountain.
“Dave takes risks.. Be like Dave, take a risk,” teamed with The Bachelorette logo.
The casting site state:
“If you’re searching for that special someone and looking for love, the next season of The Bachelorette is casting right now…”
“f love is in your sights and you’re ready to find The One.”
It is open for single men between the ages of 23 and 40, and that “filming will roughly commence in June, 2019 and may take up to 12 weeks.”
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First stage auditions will be held end of April, 2019.
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