
Turns out that forgetfulness is a sign of intelligence

Good news for those who can't remember the little things!

Here’s some good news for the forgetful people of the world. 


It turns out that apparently being forgetful is actually a sign of intelligence.

According to a study conducted by the University of Toronto that was published in the Neuron Journalhaving a perfect memory isn’t a sign of intelligence and forgetting things might actually be making you smarter. 

Our hippocampus is where all our memories are stored. This part of the brain is responsible for filtering all the information we accumulate and when it becomes overcrowded with details it weakens or removes old or irrelevant details to make way for new information. 

The study found that this process helps people remember the bigger picture and forget the unimportant details which is actually better for our brains. 


So, next time you’re busy trying to remember something you forgot while looking like this:

Just remember it’s your hippocampus trying to make you smarter.

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