After all the cheating, backstabbing and jaw-dropping drama, Married At First Sight Australia finally said goodbye to innocent bystanders Elizabeth Sobinoff and Bronson Norrish – after they discovered their respective partners – Sam Ball and Ines Basic – were doing the dirty.
Filming for the 2 couples ended at the end of last year.
And now Liz is sharing what exactly transpired between her and Ines.
She told 9Now: “Ines has reached out to apologise. I never opened the message.”
Speaking of her ex-hubby, she said that Sam tried to “gaslight” her during the experiment.
“He tried to make me feel really bad and he would purposely lie about things and make me look like a maniac,” she said.
The brave 27-year-old also was appalled by his remarks about her body.
“With Sam’s weight comments, and the way he carried on in the media and tried to bring me down. Why would you want to talk to those people?”
Elizabeth then went onto Fitzy and Wippa – and once again she did not hold back.
Apparently Sam sent her direct message on Instagram last night.
Reading his words, she said: “Hey Lizzie, I’m so sorry for everything, you’re a beautiful and strong person .. how are you going, look what we’ve been put through.”
“I didn’t mean to bother you but I wanted to reach out and say sorry about how I behaved and how I offended you.. and I hate how you were edited .. taking part of the show has taken a big toll on my life, and I’m sure as yours.”
Liz told the hosts that there was “no chance in hell!” she would reply.
“It’s too late, why now!!”
Wippa got a chance to see Ines’ message to Elizabeth.
Without going into too much detail, he told listeners she is “suggesting she [Liz] knew that Sam wasn’t really behaving all that well she’s praising you for ‘being strong'”.
He continued: “she’s upset you haven’t spoken about it earlier.”
Married At First Sight continues tonight at 7.30pm on Nine – and we meet the 4 new intruders!