Married At First Sight’s Jules reveals shocking situation with Sam Ball at the reunion

We've been so caught up with Cyrell and Martha when really...
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Married At First Sight has got us so consumed with the reunion.

The finale – where cyclone Cyrell unleashes on Martha – is in a matter of days.

Have you missed the new trailers? Check out all the footage we have so far in the video player below.

Despite the fact that everyone has been focused on the major fights that went down on the finale night, it’s Samuel Ball’s cheating ways that affected castmates the most.

(Credit: Nine)

“Sam for me was the most shocking,” Jules says. “Seeing some footage back of the full affair – I was like ‘Who is this guy Sam?’”

Jules goes on to suggest that perhaps seeing Jessika and Martha create fireworks in the experiment was predictable. 

“On face value – I just didn’t expect it. All the girls who got up to what they did – their behaviour and the way they acted, I wasn’t surprised.”

“It wasn’t completely left field that they’d done something to hurt someone. And for not really any substance or reason, just because they felt like it.”

She added, “But, with Sam – I didn’t see it coming. I thought I [was] a good judge of character, but obviously I didn’t.”

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