Fans of Married At First Sight were genuinely worried when resident sweetheart Cam Merchant broke down.
You can watch the shocking moment below.
The ex-cricketer was seen crying next to his wife Jules Robinson ahead of their joint family lunch.
Now he reveals there was so much more to his tears.
Apparently Jessika Power had told her fellow experiment pals that she had to stay for her mental health.
“Everyone can see that the experiment is getting quite hostile and toxic at the time ” he told 9Honey Celebrity.
“Jules and I have an amazing relationship and it was starting to take an effect on us — the energy that was going on. It was really tricky.
Cam said: “[Jessika] said she felt mental health was the reason why she couldn’t leave the experiment, because she didn’t want her parents to see her like that.”
“And I said, ‘There’s no way…’ If you’ve got mental health issues and you’re taking it seriously, this isn’t the right place or you. You should be at home with your family.”
Outside the show, Cam works with mental health programs.
“We’d just run one that day, and we had a young boy, was only 15 years of age, and he put his hand and said, ‘I just want to let everyone know, I feel like I’m in a safe place — last night I tried to take my own life.’ And it was huge. So you’re talking about all these different components — in our lives, in my life, inside and outside the experiment — and that morning… That commitment ceremony was heavy.”
If you or someone you know needs help, contact: beyondblue 1300 224 636 or; SuicideLine 1300 651 251; MensLine 1300 789 978; Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit