He famously came to blows with his bride, Susie, but MAFS’s Billy has just dropped a major bombshell about his love life.
In a radio interview earlier this morning, the reality star admitted to hooking up with one of the other brides.
Appearing on Hot91’s Breakfast show with Dave, Sam & Ash, the 27-year-hunk, who’s “wife” Susie Bradley, 25, has since found love with former NRL star Todd Carney, revealed he hooked up with Lauren Huntriss after filming.
“You didn’t see me and Lauren having a bit of a flirt there, I think that she’s a lovely girl and she got a bit of a raw end of the stick as well,” he said.
“Matt’s a nice guy but they definitely weren’t suited,” he said of Lauren’s pairing with the former virgin.
When asked if he hooked up with Lauren, Billy replied: “It could’ve happened. It could’ve happened. She’s a sweetheart, hey.
“We’re not together or anything like that, I’ve got to decompress from the whole show.”
Speaking about his failed relationship with Susie, the Byron Bay native admitted he was still licking his wounds over that one.
“It’s been quite hard for me” he said. “I didn’t get everything I wanted out of the show and I’m a bit salty about that.
“Susie was texting a bloke on our honeymoon. It wasn’t Todd Carney, it was another tatted up bloke.
“She didn’t take the experiment seriously, I’ve got no respect for that.”