My Kitchen Rules contestants Emma Byron and Jessica Alvial are proving to be quite the controversial pair on the hit Channel 7 show and now images of the star’s before their plastic surgery have surfaced online.
Speaking to WHO exclusively, Emma revealed: “I’ve had my lips done and I do botox. I don’t walk around as a poster child for telling people that’s what they should do. That’s what I should do, but Jess will sit and talk about it ’til the cows come home.”
Meanwhile, Jess told WHO: “We’re the first people to laugh at ourselves. I had a joke the other day, like one day, I was so bored with my lips. I got jealous of Emma’s and needed mine bigger.I looked like Goldie Hawn out of My First Wives Club, it was so bad! But I love getting my lips done.
Fair enough!
For more on My Kitchen Rules, pick-up a copy of WHO on-sale now!