It’s the TV debate that has everyone talking; an incensed Derryn Hinch confronting Pauline Hanson with such fury over her role in stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment that he unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade.
Hanson was visibly shocked as fellow Senator Hinch ripped into her for helping to bring controversial Queenslander Fraser Anning into public life via One Nation, following his outrageous press release stating that immigration was to blame for the Christchurch mosque massacre.
Perpetrated by an alleged white nationalist terrorist, the atrocity has taken 50 lives and ignited a lot of soul searching about how toxic political rhetoric may have contributed to the perpetrator’s mindset.
‘Did you pick this arsehole of a man because of his white extremist views, or despite them,’ raged Hinch on Hanson’s role in elevating Anning into a position of power, leaving her momentarily stunned.
On the back foot throughout the interview, the One Nation figurehead took a grilling from a visibly incensed Kochie, but rejected claims she had fed into a violent racist narrative.
‘Anyone who causes terrorism is bad,’ she said, when asked if she condemned the alleged shooter.
But things got really heated when Hanson accused Sunrise of placing her face in a graphic along with Anning and the accused terrorist. Denied by Kochie, the tense scene only simmered down when Hinch and Hanson both agreed they wanted the death penalty reinstated.