EXCLUSIVE Robyn Lawley: ‘Victoria Secret Exec Ed Razek Hates Women’

The model and activists lifts the lid on the modelling industry.

She’s a model, mum and activist and on the first episode of RAW Talks With Keshnee, Australia’s own Robyn Lawley opened up about what really goes on behind closed doors in the modelling industry.

“I was told that I was not good enough for too long and I just felt it wasn’t right because I would see these women, I’m like, you’re so beautiful I don’t understand what’s going on? Like why do you have to be this ridiculous size – it just makes no sense.”

One of her most strong opinions about the fashion world is that of Ed Razek, the creative director of Victoria’s Secret, who comes under fire each year when the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is aired.

“He hates plus-sized women, I hate that term. He hates women, in general.”

“I think all bodies should be represented. I think diversity is beautiful and I think it’s boring to have one body-type that everyone aspires to be.”

In 2018, Razek received wide backlash for his comments about plus-sized women and the trans community.

robyn lawley
(Credit: Jason Ierace for Who Magazine)

He told Vogue, “If you’re asking if we’ve considered putting a transgender model in the show or looked at putting a plus-size model in the show, we have.”

“We attempted to do a television special for plus sizes [in 2000]. No one had any interest in it. Still don’t.”

When revealing why he wouldn’t cast a plus-size or trans model on the runway, Razek said “We market to who we sell to, and we don’t market to the whole world.”

Advocacy organization, Model Alliance, released a statement in response to Razek’s comments.

“We are disappointed by the recent comments about trans and plus-size models made by Ed Razek, CMO of L Brands, Victoria’s Secret’s parent company. Such comments create a hostile work environment for people who do not conform to Victoria’s Secret’s mold – one that enforces an idea of female beauty that is predominantly white, cisgender, young and thin.”

For the full story, check out Robyn’s interview on RAW Talks With Keshnee below.


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