
Roxy Jacenko’s pantry porn: This is where she keeps her laundry detergent haul

The PR queen was slammed for panic-buying 22 bottles of detergent
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She copped some serious flak from fans after boasting about panic-buying 22 bottles of laundry detergent amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, and now, Roxy Jacenko has shown off her highly organised and fully stocked pantry.


WATCH: Roxy Jacenko flaunts her stockpile of 22 laundry detergent bottles

In a new Instagram post, the PR Queen, who resides in a $6.5 million mansion, gave fans a tour of her perfect pantry, which appeared to be full to the brim in preparation for the coronavirus pandemic.

As well as a range of dry pastas, cereals and canned vegetables – highly sought-after items at the moment – Roxy’s stash also included several different types of spreads, crackers, dry herbs and pasta sauces.

(Credit: Instagram)

‘I do appreciate a well organised pantry,’ she captioned the post.

Last week, the Sweaty Betty founder was slammed online after revealing she had stock-piled 22 bottles of Biozet Attack liquid detergent

One person commented: ‘Disappointing. Encouraging people to buy products in bulk [when] the government is urging us to be sensible.


‘Think of the people who can’t afford to buy hundreds of dollars’ worth of anything. It’s because of people like you, the less fortunate cannot buy a roll of toilet paper. Shame.’

Roxy boasted about her laundry detergent haul last week. (Credit: Instagram)

Another said that Roxy ‘should really consult with a PR professional before bragging about [her] bulk buy of laundry liquid’.

‘You are stockpiling. Exactly what the Australian government told us not to do,’ said another.


Furthermore, many questioned how she was even able to buy so many bottles when most essential grocery items are either restricted to just two items per person, or entirely unavailable to buy.

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