It was the video that went around the world: a teen callously pushed from a 50-foot bridge by her so-called ‘close friend’. It was a drop that resulted in shattering injuries and ongoing emotional trauma.
Now the woman who pushed Jordan Holgerson, Tay’lor Smith, 19, has been sentenced to two days behind bars. Just 16 at the time, she pleaded guilty to the crime, after initially claiming the victim had asked her to push her.
Jordan spent three days in hospital after the hitting the war, with injuries including multiple broken ribs and a punctured lung. She suffers from ongoing anxiety and panic attacks.
‘We feel lucky today that she’s alive,’ her mother Genelle Holgerson said.
‘My issue is that Tay’lor has had no sympathy,’ revealing that she never visited her friend in hospital or during her recovery.
The judge also sentenced Smith to 38 days on a work crew and ordered no contact with the victim, a former close friend, for two years. She was also fined $300.

‘I didn’t ask for any of this but last summer my said-to-be good friend changed my life for the worse,’ the victim tearfully said. ‘This nightmare started for me when I was falling through the air.’
Smith may have been in tears as she faced her sentencing in court, but she was appeared a lot less contrite in the wake of the event, before she was charged.
In a US TV interview she insisted she had done nothing wrong.
‘She wanted to jump and she was scared and she had asked me to give her a push, and I didn’t think about the consequences,’ she told Good Morning America. ‘I thought she would be fine.’
But Jordan said otherwise, responding, ‘All that she’s been doing is lying. … I just don’t think she really even cares.’