Dancing along to Justin Bieber while on the photo shoot with WHO, Zoë Foster Blake is every bit as charming as the words she shares with hopeful singles.
In her career, she has answered thousands of dating queries, but modern-day Mills & Boon Foster Blake believes that while some love stories don’t have a great ending, they do teach us something of value, should we choose to learn from them.
At age 38, the author of her 10th book, LOVE!, reveals the dos and don’ts of romance.
Foster Blake met Hamish Blake – her husband and the father of her two children, son Sonny, 4, and daughter Rudy, 18 months – 15 years ago. They even wrote a dating book together – Textbook Romance – and she says she still puts pen to paper in a bid to keep the spark alive with her other half, no matter how busy she gets.

What’s the most common dating question you get asked?
“Should I get back with him/her even though they hurt me?” It’s such a tricky, vulnerable position to be in, knowing someone has done the wrong thing by you, and could do it again, yet you love them so much that you’re willing to risk it happening again if you go back to them. Always trust your gut.
In your opinion, what is the biggest dating no-no?
Talking about your exes or only talking about yourself, or wearing a swastika.
Can you share one of your own dating horror stories with us?
It was a second date. We’d been out to dinner, then went to a friend’s place for a drink. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, and when
I came out he was right there, startled, because he’d had his ear to the door. Listening.
“It’s a problem I have,” he said.

What is your best advice to someone who has recently gone though a break-up?
Keep. It. Together. Even if you’re shaking
with rage, or hollow with grief. You’ll never regret being graceful in this moment,
but you will regret hacking their Facebook and wrapping their car in dunny paper.
For those that are loved-up, how long should you wait before posting photos
of your significant other on
social media?
Probably wait until you’ve had The Chat, where you agree you’re exclusive. Definitely wait until you’re home from your first date.
For Zoe’s full interview, be sure to pick up the new issue of WHO!