Where to follow The Bachelorette Australia contestants on Instagram Time to get acquainted with the cast...
“I’m so happy and in love!” Brooke Blurton has found the one The Bachelorette Australia star Brooke reveals she found her soulmate on the reality TV show.
Brooke Blurton is “ready” to find love on historic season of The Bachelorette Australia "I am so ready to find that special someone to give love to"
Brooke Blurton breaks down while planning her sister’s funeral "I’m probably like one trigger away from a f**king nervous breakdown"
Brooke Blurton completes hotel quarantine amid family tragedy "I truly believe in life that when there comes good, comes bad."
Brooke Blurton thanks supporters in the wake of family tragedy "As much as the circumstance sucks, I feel very grateful and very lucky."
Brooke Blurton reveals sister’s tragic death "I’ve thankfully had huge support from production and friends."
Brooke Blurton wasn’t the first bisexual celeb in the running for The Bachelorette Another famous face was almost the one handing out roses.