Is this the most awkward kiss in Bachelor history? There really is no other way to describe it, and Rhiannon agrees.
The Bachelor’s Sophie Tieman reveals cosmetic work The frontrunner shares what work she has had done.
The Bachelor’s Brooke: ‘Our chemistry is amazing’ Brooke may be young, but the WA local knows exactly what she wants in a partner.
The Bachelor’s Cass Wood: I’m not a stage five clinger The model admits she is shocked at her portrayal on the show.
Keira Maguire admits to starting that ‘threesome’ rumour about Ali Oetjen and Grant Kemp She said she did it 'to protect her'.
OPINION PIECE: Why the Honey Badger will be the best Bachie yet The dates, the sound bites and the stifling suits are bound to be epic.