Every season’s got one.
Emma Roche used the ‘L’ word when discussing Matt Agnew with her pals on the recent season of The Bachelor.
Cass Wood made it clear she was hopelessly devoted to Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins in last year’s show.
Audiences felt that Jarrod Woodgate got a little bit intense about Sophie Monk on his season of The Bachelorette.
And this year, we bring you… Jamie Doran.
WATCH: Now THIS is how you win Angie Kent’s heart!
When we first saw the firefighter walking down the red carpet towards Angie Kent cradling a beautiful puppy in his arms, we thought: sold. This is our guy, this is the winner, send everyone else home because muscles and puppies.
But over the course of two episodes, it’s become apparent that Jamie’s feelings for Ange are verrry strong for someone who’s never actually met her before.
“To me it’s the worst day of my life, watching Angie drive off in the car with Carlin,” the 39-year-old lamented as he watched the Gogglebox star head off on her first single date of the show with super-babe Carlin Sterritt.
“Guys were smiling and laughing and happy about it. To me, I was devastated.“
And just when you thought he’d calmed down, out came an envelope signalling the first group date of the season.
Jamie had a lot of feelings.
“If I’m not on this group date, I’ll be heartbroken.”
Thank god for small mercies, Jamie got on the date.
“I’m so excited. Angie wants to spend more time with me. It’s the happiest I’ve been in my life, to be honest.”
But when he was cast in the role of ‘farmer’ (to Angie’s ‘farmer’s wife’) during the photoshoot, it got a little bit intense.

“I’ve been chosen to be Angie’s husband, who’s a farmer. Angie chose our individual characters to match our personalities. Obviously, Angie thinks that one day we could be life companions. I’m absolutely stoked!” he said in a piece to camera.
Oh lord.
“I’m really excited to get into this photo shoot. That’s everything to me, to be Angie’s husband. I’m spiritually connecting with Angie as the farmer and his wife. It’s perfect!”
The farmer-wife-we’re-made-for-each-other things wasn’t the first we’ve seen on Jamie’s, um, sensitive side. In the very first episode, the firefighter was seriously triggered when controversial contestant Jess Glasgow accused him of snitching… and lying.
All hell broke loose as the politician from Noosa blamed Jamie for letting slip that he said he’d give back the 24-hour rose if gifted it by Angie.
“Jamie, why did you tell Angie that I was given a rose and I wouldn’t…I’d say no, I’d give it back to her?” Jess asked.
“I never said that… Guys, I’ve had two minutes with Angie all night. Why the hell would I talk about another dude?”
Jamie was preeeetty devo about the whole situation.
“I’m the most genuine guy in here, and for someone to come after me like that, that’s low,” he said through tears.
“When people don’t trust me, I feel worthless. It’s brought out this negative energy in me that wasn’t even in me… And I did nothing wrong. I put a lot of effort into this sort of process, just for someone to just come and… just do that to me and blindsided me.”
Lucky for Jamie, Jess won’t be around to bother him anymore, after Angie gave him the boot for persistent lewd comments and inappropriate behaviour towards not only Ange but also female members of the crew.
“You’re not treating other women nicely. And I’m telling you, it infuriates me that I’m still standing here chatting to you,” she told him.
“You never talk about me as a person. You always just talk about me as, like, a piece of meat.
“After everything I’ve heard, I don’t… I really don’t believe a word that you say. I don’t trust you and I’m sorry. You’re gonna have to leave.”
Two words: Go. Girl.