Boy, oh, boy. Sunday night’s episode of Married At First Sight might be the best one yet.
Buckle up, viewers!
MUST WATCH: MAFS’ Michael roasts Stacey’s employment history
Hayley is returning for Sunday’s ladies night, where she’ll bring her side-kick, Vanessa Romito, who’s got that cold, hard evidence law graduate Stacey has been demanding.
‘Oh great, the troll of all trolls has just walked in,’ Stacey snarled upon Hayley’s arrival.
There’s some serious bad blood between the women, ever since Hayley confessed that she’d kissed her husband Michael Goonan in a hotel room while Stacey was back in Adelaide with her sons.
According to Stacey, she needed ‘hard evidence’, otherwise she’d be believing her husband, who has serious memory loss issues.

In a preview for Sunday’s episode, viewers see Vanessa telling the group what went down, including some awful things she claim’s Michael said on the infamous night.
Hayley chimed in, declaring, ‘He tried to hook up with you, too,’ she gestured to Vanessa.
Vanessa mimicked a gagging reflex, while Stacey yelled: ‘F–king hell!’
Hayley then asks Stacey, ‘Did you get your law degree from a cereal box?’ Ouch!
Then viewers see Stacey call Hayley a ‘bulldog’. ‘Oh, you’re a bulldog, mate. Who do you think you are?’ to which Hayley joked: ‘I’m object!’