Is something else cooking in the MKR kitchen?
Given the number of singles in the competing teams this year it was only a matter of time before the sizzling was not just on the stove.
Both Anne and Jennifer haven’t been backward is saying how cute they think Victor is and in this week’s New Idea magazine, Jennifer confessed that she didn’t hold back when interacting with Victor and his team made G.
“We all sort of flirted with each other,” she admits. “I was flirting with Victor, flirting with G. Everyone had fun.
“When we were not filming we did spend time together behind the scenes as well.”
And we could see that chemistry playing out tonight as the two teams bantered with each other.
With Victor showing his prowess with different types of accents, Anne jumped in and asks: “But can you do me?”
Victor cheekily replies: “Wouldn’t you like to know,” resulting in the whole table erupting in laughter.
And the girls are quick to show their admiration away from the others as well with Jennifer saying to camera “What can’t Victor do?” While Anne adds: “he’s gorgeous.”
So is it all just a little fun or are some getting hotter under the collar than others…
For more exclusive MKR goss and news, listen to the latest episode of reality TV podcast Real Talk with Holly & Ali below.