
How you can get a Stikeez Golden Billy banana ‘worth $20,1000’

There are only 25 of them left in circulation

Australia’s Stikeez obsession is getting out of control – with the much-coveted Golden Billy Banana figure yesterday earning a winning bid of $20,1000 on eBay.


Now the frenzy surrounding the special collector’s item has reached fever pitch, with Stikeez obsessives going to extraordinary lengths to get their hands on the item. There are believed to be just 25 of the figures still in circulation – and this is how you can maximise your chances of getting one.

Amy Sinclair at New Idea Food today reports that one Coles insider is blabbing online about how to allegedly maximise your chances of scoring one of the figures.

‘One of the bosses at work said that they believe there are still around 25 out there that haven’t been claimed yet,’ the employee says. ‘If they’re selling for $20k each – that’s half a million bucks just sitting there.’

‘If anyone wants one, I would suggest going to the bigger Coles stores. They have a lot more Stikeez being sent to them to handle the demand and if they’re going to be there lol.

(Credit: eBay)

‘Some of the bigger stores have boxes of them sitting there because they have so many more shoppers… the golden ones have gotta be in there.’

And the stakes are high after yesterday’s eBay frenzy.

It’s been revealed today that the seller who scored a $20,100 winning bid for the prized item is a single mother of five, who hoped to get some extra cash. Now she’s praying the bid was genuine, but fearing she’s been conned by a time-wasting eBay pest.


‘I was hoping for $100 to send my sons on their school excursion,’ she told the Daily Mail

‘The kids and I got excited about a car. But then it just got too high, I knew I was a joke. If I did dare dream about $20,000, I would get a car and bedroom furniture for the kids. 

‘I’m a single mum-of-five so the money would be awesome to buy us a reliable car.’

While it remains to be seen whether the bidder is genuine, one thing is for sure: Stikeez mania just got a little crazier.


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