A new study shows that fake smiling at work makes you more likely to drink

There is a real reason why we crave drink at the end of the day!

Adulting can be hard, actually, it could be just as much work as actually working.

Most of us are already done by the time we finishing shopping for groceries, cooking, cleaning, paying bills and then adding a full-time job on top of all that.

By Wednesday, those sneaky lunchtime wines are already on our minds and we just can’t wait for the weekend.  

A new study has confirmed that having to be pleasant to others while you’re at work actually does make you more likely to drink heavily.

Specifically, those who work with the public are more likely to have an increased level of alcohol consumption than those who do not.

Scientists investigated the drinking habits of 1,592 workers who have a customer or public-facing jobs, which included teachers, nurses and people who work in the food industry.

The result found that forcing yourself to put on a positive front can be so exhausting that it makes you more likely to drink more than people who don’t have to interact with the public as apart of their job.

The professor of psychology at Penn State who conducted the study, Alicia Grandey explained while smiling as apart of your job might sound like a really positive thing but all it does is mentally and physically drain you. 

“In these jobs, there’s also often money tied to showing positive emotions and holding back negative feelings,” she said.

“Money gives you a motivation to override your natural tendencies, but doing it all day can be wearing.”

Previous research did link heavier drinking and service work, but until recently the cause behind this habit was unknown.

“It wasn’t just feeling badly that makes them reach for a drink.”

“Instead, the more they have to control negative emotions at work, the less they are able to control their alcohol intake after work,” she said.

While we are not hinting at the fact that you should start yelling back at that frustrating customer but that hiding your emotions isn’t healthy either. 

Happy mind, happy life, right?

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