
It’s offical Hannah Montana is back!

Cya Miley

If the Jonas Brothers reunion wasn’t enough for most of us, Miley Cyrus has just gone and brought Hannah Montana back to life.


And we are not even sure if Miley ever coming back at this stage.

And we are not talking about a few basic photos that Miley just put up because she was bored, we’re talking about a full blown video of Hannah Montana actually singing ‘The Best of Both Worlds’ like it’s 2006 in 2019.

Earlier today, Cyrus shared a couple of photos and videos to social media of herself undergoing a bit of a transformation.

She tweeted to fans saying, “You know guys, it was so hard going back and forth that I decided I’ll just be Hannah forever.”

She continued to add, “She was getting a lot of press this week, thanks to me.”

The past week has been all about celebrating thirteen whole years since Hannah Montana first aired on the Disney channel. If this doesn’t make you instantly want to re-live the early 2000s I don’t know what does.


So, what has sparked this real-life throwback?

Is there a reboot on the cards? A collaboration with the Jonas Brothers?

We can wish but in reality, it looks like it might just be a reunion thing. 

Although, a couple of days ago Miley teased fans on Instagram that “BIG changes” were “coming”.


If she was talking about this transformation, she did deliver. If she was talking about new music, bring it on.

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